Steps To Getting Started And Helping Your Upper Cervical Website

If you are looking to build a new upper cervical website or make your current site more effective, here are the key steps to getting started and helping your chiropractic website compete effectively in the online marketplace.

Start with a clear navigation.

Organize your pages into logically-named categories and use standard terms on your menu. Visitors don’t want to guess where to go. They don’t want to analyze what you mean. And they don’t have the patience to embark on a scavenger hunt for facts.

Use conversational English.

Despite what your high school English teacher may have thought, nobody wants to read text that sounds like a term paper. Yawn. Write copy as though you’re speaking directly to the visitor. Pretend you’re having a one-on-one conversation. 

Use second person like “you” and “we.” A friendly, informal tone is better than stiff, corporate-speak. Contractions like “you’ll” and “we’re” are fine. Industry jargon that your visitors may not understand is not. 

Apply SEO best practices.

The best website in the world is a waste if no one can find it. If Google ranks your website high through your use of optimized copy, you immediately get fabulous  exposure to prospects searching for your product or service. FOR FREE. Search engine optimization done right (white hat techniques only) provides a huge return on investment.

Provide all the relevant information.

When people search the web, they’re seeking answers. If your site doesn’t provide the facts, the visitor will move on to the next one in the search results. Don’t be afraid of sharing too much, and that includes prices. Transparency works. Studies show information-rich websites are the most effective in converting visitors into serious prospects. And the search engines favor sites that provide comprehensive information, ranking them higher than sparse sites that lack subject matter depth.

Leave out the hype.

Visitors don’t want spin. They expect honesty and transparency. They crave facts so they can make an educated decision. Place all your cards on the table and let visitors draw their own conclusions. Whenever possible, include statistics and relevant specifics that can help support your claims.

Make your home page a to-the-point summary.

Since your home page is the most common entrance to your website, it should describe how customers will benefit from your content, products, or services. If visitors can’t quickly figure out what’s in it for them, they’ll click that back button. 

Create unique landing pages for specific topics.

While you might want everyone to come through the front door, the home page of your website, that might not be the best strategy. A more targeted approach is to create landing pages that speak to specific subjects. If you’re interested in targeting vertical markets, create a separate landing page for each one. Not only will you attract more web traffic, you’ll also see an increase in conversions, that is, visitors becoming qualified leads and customers.

Include trust-building content.

Explain why your company is uniquely qualified to provide its products or services. Include some details about your company’s history and achievements, especially on your About Us page.

Keep your website up to date.

If visitors notice that your content isn’t current, then your site loses all credibility. Continually update your site, add to it and remove any information that is obsolete.

The last part of that sentence is critical, so I hope you didn’t miss it. You shouldn’t only add content. You need to also delete anything that’s no longer relevant. If the good information is buried, your visitor might never find it. Remember, we’re shooting for clean and simple.

Include a call to action on nearly every page.

Tell visitors what you would like them to do next. Lead them down the path to a sale or to contacting you. It’s great to be a quality source of information, but you also want visitors to know they can make a purchase.

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